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An Open Records Resource for Movements in the South

Sweet Tea with Transparency

Open Records Explainers for Southern-Based Organizers!

The Center for Constitutional Rights’ Southern Regional Office and the Open Records Project have created a series of toolkits for activists, advocates, organizers, and community members in Southern states interested in obtaining public records from state government agencies or officials in  four states: Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana. In recent years, we have seen how open records requests can be extremely useful tools for local and national advocacy, the media, litigation, and organizing campaigns, such as the work the Center for Constitutional Rights continues to do in support of activists in Louisiana. You can find each of the state toolkits, which contain a brief explainer on how to file requests, as well as an annotated sample request, below.

The Center for Constitutional Rights thanks organizers Keyanna Michelle Jones, Gabriel Cabán Cubero, and Theeda Murphy  for their review and comments that were critical to the creation of these resources.